J. Reynolds Photography » Photography

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365 | week one | monterey lifestyle photographer

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we wait until new year’s day to open our stockings, one of my husband’s traditions. needless to say, the anticipation was killing her!


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even super heroes cry

flu shot day! my mom was very happy about this…as you can see, he was not happy at all!


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the morning after

so…this is the morning post-flu shot. my son was up from 2:45 until 5:45, where we both proceeded to pass out on the couch for a couple of hours. here i am in all of my glory…in my pjs, bed-head, no make-up…but i am in a picture with my kids- and more importantly, we all look happy! i’ll take that!


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the reunion

this is my son and his “girlfriend”.  they didn’t see each other over the holidays (eternity in kid-time)…today, they were reunited! LOVE!

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really good champagne with a really good friend! who says you need a big reason to celebrate? this year, i will celebrate the little things!


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i LOVE how these are together! this was after they both spent the night at a friend’s house, where my daughter snuggled with my son to help him get to sleep. she takes the best care of her “little buddy”.

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